As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to improve your company. You want to find new ways to make money, be more efficient, and to better serve your customers. But how do you know which way to go? The answer may be in the 12 Driving Forces.
In order to achieve success in business, it’s important to understand and use the 12 Driving Forces. Each of these forces is a powerful tool that can help you gain insights into your own work ethic and reach your goals. By understanding and using them, you can create a successful business plan and achieve your desired results.
What are the 12 Driving Forces? And how can they help you achieve success in business? In this post, we’ll break them all down for you, so you can start using them to your advantage. By understanding what these forces are and how they work, you can harness their power and use it to achieve your goals. Keep reading to learn how to start the process for yourself!
What are the 12 Driving Forces and what do they mean for business owners?
We all have motivations that drive our actions, both personally and professionally. And while we may not be consciously aware of them, these driving forces can have a big impact on the way we conduct business. So what are the 12 Driving Forces, and what do they mean for business owners?
Knowledge represents the instinctive or intellectual aspects of thinking. This driving force is all about understanding your product or service and being able to explain it to others. For business owners, this driving force can be harnessed to constantly seek out new ways to improve their products, services, and processes.
This is the selfless or resourceful side of thinking. This driving force is about making sure that your product or service is useful to others and that you are using all of your resources wisely. For business owners, this driving force can be harnessed to create products and services that solve real problems for their customers. On the other hand, a more resourceful employee will always be taking steps to improve things right now, with what you have.
Surroundings represent the objective or harmonious aspects of thinking. This driving force is about creating a supportive environment for your business and maintaining positive relationships with those around you. This driving force can be harnessed to create a workplace that is safe and comfortable for employees and customers alike.
Others represent the intentional or altruistic side of thinking. This driving force is about considering the needs of others and acting in a way that benefits them as well as yourself. More intentional actions will be more selfless, while altruistic actions will be driven more by reward and benefit. More altruistic employees might need rewards for a job well done.
Collaborative or commanding actions of employees at any level can affect the success of any business. As a business owner, do you ask for feedback and assign tasks based on preferences? Or, are you more commanding in deleting tasks?
You can be either more receptive or structured in following a set system or process. These actions can determine the success of businesses. For example, it’s important to have employees who can follow rules and your company systems, but you also need more innovative minds.
How do I start using the TTI Success Insights and the 12 Driving Forces?
The 12 Driving Forces are a set of universal principles that can help you achieve success in any business venture. By understanding and applying these forces, you can create a powerful engine that will drive your business toward its goals.
The first step will be to have your entire team take the DISC assessment and then debrief each other. Your TTISI coordinator will help you start this process.
Once the training and debriefing on the driving force’s report is finished, you can start utilizing the concepts. For example, you can use the results to coordinate teams and set tasks. You can use this assessment as part of your hiring process as well.
Using these concepts is an ongoing process. Leadership should continue to meet with staff, one-on-one and as a team to discuss the ongoing use of these insights.
How can you continue to develop and grow your business using the 12 Driving Forces as your guide?
As we stated in the last section, using these processes will be an ongoing project. We have some tips to help you integrate the 12 driving forces into your long-term plans.
- Assigning groups and teams to complete tasks by using the 12 driving forces to balance out different driving forces. For example, it will benefit your team more to have both sides of the driving forces represented. You don’t want two instinctive teammates working together, you’d want a teammate that leans more towards instinctive working with someone who leans towards intellectual to get the most out of their combined skills.
- You can use these results to make training more effective. A section of the results of the Success Insights will go over your learning style and provide tips for you to better comprehend training. As a leader, you should make sure you’re gearing your pieces of training in a way that your employees will better retain the information. Not everyone has the same way of learning, you need to be cautious of that.
- These results will also tell you more about how your employees prefer and accept constructive criticism and praise. Some people prefer you to just lay out the truth, tell them what they’re doing wrong and they’ll fix it. Others need a little more compassion when taking criticism and some need help making changes, while others can make changes on their own. On the other hand, some people enjoy public praise, while others would prefer a private email.
Knowing which Driving Forces are most important to your business can help you focus your efforts on the right areas. It can also help you avoid wasting time and resources on areas that are not as important. So take a look at the TTI Success Insights and see how you can take your business to the next level.
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