5 Easy Ways to Spark Creativity

5 Easy Ways to Spark Creativity

How many times have you been working on a project and just hit a wall? You feel like you’ve tried every approach possible, and nothing seems to work. If you’re like most business owners, you’ve experienced burnout. Feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, and run down are all common symptoms of working too hard and not taking enough time for yourself.

Working in a creative field can be fun yet challenging. Creative blocks affect all types of creatives in hobbies and, of course, in the work field. It’s important to understand that creative blocks are usually rooted in fear, anxiety, and stress. You’ll be back on track once you can relieve the core issues.

It’s essential to start by understanding what is causing your creative block, and then you can begin working through it. Let go of any worries and allow yourself to mess up until you get it right.

What is Burnout?

First, let’s talk about burnout. Job burnout can affect your mental and physical health, putting a real burden on your work-life balance. It’s essential to take care of yourself and take steps to prevent burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Start by paying attention to these signs of burnout:

  • You’re not excited about work anymore
  • You’re struggling to complete simple tasks
  • You start to get frustrated with your coworkers
  • You start experiencing physical ailments, like migraines
  • You’re exhausted

Burnout can happen to anyone, but it can be especially damaging to people in creative fields. You can try some tips to help spark creativity and recover from burnout.

Collaborate with Coworkers or Other Creatives

It can seem difficult to tell anyone, especially your coworkers, you need help. Have you ever heard the saying “two minds are better than one”? Well, it might be worth asking your teammates, coworkers, or creative friends and networks for their opinions. Show them your work and ask for constructive criticism.

Your coworkers, supervisors, friends, or collaborators might be able to offer a fresh perspective. If you lack a creative circle, we offer consulting services to help you with every step of your business. Contact us for a free 15-minute consultation to see what your business can do.

Focus on Other Creative Outlets

Creative minds can struggle to focus on one thing for too long. If you struggle with this, switch to your creative hobby, or find one. Take a break and draw, paint, sew, do needlepoint, or whatever can help you re-spark your creativity.

I also suggest trying new hobbies and switching things up. It is vital for those of us working in creative fields to have creative outlets.

When creatives get highly comfortable with a hobby, they can also be perfectionists with their work. Try something new and exciting, something you must focus on and give your all to. You might be surprised by what can happen if you stop focusing on something unproductive and try to reset it. Afterward, you will return to your main project refreshed and with a new way of thinking.

Visit a Creativity Sparking Location

Viewing art can be highly inspiring. Visit your local art museum, stroll around your favorite park, and stop by your favorite coffee shop, the one with all the plants and art. We all have one. Get out of your usual space and venture into an inspiring one.

Do some research and try to find somewhere new to go. Beyond parks and museums, see if you have a conservatory nearby or a “create-your-own” shop (my favorite is a local create-your-own candle shop). Do something you’ve always wanted to or go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.


Don’t let the word exercise fool you. You should talk with your physician about appropriate exercise regardless of your fitness level. This could be everything from a dip in the pool to pulling out the roller skates. Hitting the gym, taking a walk, or doing your favorite form of physical activity is a great way to work through a creative block. Get your creative juices, or sweat, flowing. You’ll not only feel better, but this should also help with stress and help you refocus.

Simply Take a Break 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break, but we busy bees can find it hard for some reason. We have so many things going on, work, our personal lives, hobbies, and remembering to eat three balanced meals can be hard sometimes. We need to remind ourselves that we need to relax. Eventually, these things will become habits.

Take a hot shower, rest, watch an episode of your favorite show, clean up your space, or get a snack. Do whatever you need to relax and reset your mind to refocus and spark creativity. Taking care of yourself is key to getting adequate work done.

11 Proven Succesful Fundraising Event Ideas

Planning a successful fundraising event can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of different ways to raise money and choosing the right one can be difficult. If you’ve decided that working with another company to sell products and raise money isn’t for you, then you’ll need to plan an event. There are 5 basic steps to planning an event:

  1. Set your goals and budget
  2. Create a plan
  3. Promote your event
  4. Achieve your goals and enjoy your event
  5. Thank your supporters and ask for continued support

We discuss each of these steps in more detail in our blog, 5 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event, but first, you have to decide what type of event you want to put together. This blog will lay out different fundraising ideas, with tips on how to plan these events and what types of organizations will benefit the most from them. It’s time to raise some money!


Peer-to-peer fundraising is a great way to gather funds and support for your cause. Participants will ask sponsors to pledge an amount of money for each mile, or whatever amount they choose, that they walk. This is a good option for school clubs and sports teams, as it takes little money to set up and you can use your school track. 

However, plenty of organizations could benefit from a walk-a-thon. You need somewhere to host your walk registration forms to get started. Your participants lead the way in raising funds. 


There are plenty of ways to go about hosting an auction. First, do you want to host a live or silent auction? Silent auctions allow for more mingling and networking. However, depending on what you’re auctioning, you might need to do a live auction. 

Next, you have to figure out what you’ll auction at you! Start by asking local businesses if they would be interested in donating items, gift certificates, or anything else to your auction. 

Maybe you have some interesting people in your network who would be willing to donate their time. You can auction experiences at places or with people, like a cooking class with a local chef, a spa package, or a vacation package. This is one of our favorite fundraising ideas simply due to the different ways you can make this event happen.

Movie Night

This one can get a little tricky if you don’t have your own space to project your movie or display a large it on a large enough screen. You can work with local theaters to find a venue, but there will be a lot of extra work, and possibly money to rent the space. 

Once you decide your venue you can pick your movie, figure out snacks and refreshments, and start selling tickets. 

Trivia Tournament

We love trivia tournaments because they’re easy to organize and have relatively low costs. See if a local restaurant or bar to host your event or find a space big enough for your groups. 

You can set a minimum amount required to donate to enter the tournament. You can ask local businesses to contribute to the prize pool so you can count every dollar towards your goal, with limited costs. 

Car Wash

A car wash is a classic fundraiser, weather permitting. You only need a warm day, a hose, car cleaning supplies, and materials for signs. Think buckets, microfiber rags, and a decent soap for cars. You’ll need people on the nearest sidewalk trying to get vehicles into your pop-up car wash. Signs and social media will be your biggest ways to advertise. 

Talent Show

This is a great pick for clubs and school groups, I’ve also seen several churches make this event a success. Get people to sign up with any and all talents. I’ve seen a 15-year-old with a yo-yo win a charity talent show over singers and dancers. 

Set a ticket price for attendees and a registration fee. Make sure to have additional ways to donate available at the event. When people see how amazing your group is, they might want to give more!

You’ll need to secure a venue with a stage or a gym floor with bleachers, which should be easier for churches and school groups. This fundraising event can be relatively low cost, you’ll need to advertise and provide refreshments, but that’s the minimum to get this started. 

Art Auction

Another great fundraising idea for schools and churches with talented participants. An art auction fundraising event is another chance to show a unique side of your organization while getting the opportunity to network and mingle during your event. 

As for the art itself, I’ve seen art auctions with incredible paintings and pottery, but I’ve also seen a crochet gift sale for auction. Let anyone with a material creative skill set to use their talents. You can also ask local artists to offer donations in the form of art to sell if you need to fill out your display. 

Craft Show

If you have a talented crew but an auction doesn’t seem feasible, a craft show might be better. This will open up your options on what to sell, as you can, again, invite artists to donate to your craft show. You can 

Gala or Banquet

This might be one of the toughest to pull off, but if done correctly, it can be a huge boost to your nonprofit’s fundraising efforts. Again, this event is an amazing opportunity to network and showcase some of your top talent and staff within your organization. Inviting families and friends that are associated with your charity or the cause your supporting is also a great way to get more support. 

There will be a lot of planning that goes into this. You’ll need a venue, catering, decorations, and entertainment. You might want to add an auction to your gala to raise even more money. If you want to learn more about planning a gala fundraising event check out this blog from Forbes.


Who doesn’t love a good cook-off? Invite local chefs to partake, they’ll love the free exposure. Ask them to bring enough to serve X amount of samples of any dish, or ask for a specialty dish from them. You’ll need a location, supplies for serving and decorating, and tickets to sell. You’ll also need a way to track votes, either paper or digitally. 

This is another fundraising idea that pairs well with an auction. You can auction off cookware sets, chef experiences with the chefs in attendance, and other baskets filled with goodies from these chefs’ restaurants. This fundraising event will take some time to plan, but it’ll be a memorable one for your organization and the community you serve. 

 Sports tournament

Sports tournaments are great for schools and churches, but any organization can make this work for them. I have seen dodgeball, basketball, and even golf tournaments. Once you decide what sport you want to do, you’ll need a venue. Next, you need to get teams to sign up with a registration fee. Once you have enough teams signed up, create your bracket and get ready to have fun! 

This is a great event to reach out to local businesses for sponsorships. They can sponsor the event as a whole or they can sponsor teams. Sponsorship packages would be extremely beneficial for this event. 

It’s important to remember that this is just a list of fundraising ideas, there will be a lot of research and planning involved after you choose your event. Some of these events, like a car wash or bake sale, are lower dollar amount fundraisers. They also need less initial funds to start. Other events, like a gala or banquet, are going to take extensive planning and funding to pull off. You can check out our blog on planning events to help get you started.

5 Steps for a Successful Fundraising Event

Are you ready to plan the perfect fundraiser for your nonprofit, classroom, club, or organization? Fundraisers don’t have to be complicated; they can be fun with some planning and creativity! Whether you’re hoping to raise money for charity or want to give your group some much-needed funds for expenses like books and field trips, this blog post will help guide you through 5 key stages of the fundraising process. If you need help with ideas, check out our blog with a list of fundraising events!

Raising money for charity or providing your group with funds for expenses can be a daunting task. This blog post will help you through the five critical stages of the fundraising process. These stages include: gathering resources, setting goals, creating a plan, executing a program plan, and following up. This blog will give you a base to build on for the perfect fundraising event.

1. Set your goals and budget: 

The first thing on your to-do list should be to set SMART fundraising goals and a budget. The budget should include all expenses in planning and executing the fundraiser, from venue rental to food and drinks. If you need help staying organized, give Notion a try. It’s our favorite tool for everything organization, from making lists to keeping track of budgets.

Fundraising events are an excellent way for nonprofits to gain funds. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate the team’s capabilities and the leader’s skills. These events can be incredibly engaging and memorable with proper planning. One of the initial issues with hosting a fundraising event is how to fund the event itself. 

There are plenty of ways to fund events like this. Start by investing the funds you already have. You want to ensure that you raise more money than you put in. If you’re nervous about investing your funds, you can always ask for help. 

One of the most basic fundraising strategies is the cold call. Calling other, usually for-profit, organizations and asking for donations is a great start.

You can also ask local businesses for donations and assistance in exchange for marketing at your fundraising event. However, building sponsorship packages will be the most rewarding for you and the organizations you’re contacting. Step 3 will talk more about incentives for donations.

2. Create a plan 

With your goals and budget in place, it’s time to get creative! Create a plan for the fundraiser. Think about the type of event you want to have, potential venues, and what activities will take place. Make sure this plan involves every detail of the fundraiser, no matter how small. 

After all, it would be best to create a schedule or timeline for your fundraising event to share with potential donors. People will want to know what their money is going to. Building a slide deck with crucial information about your fundraiser might be beneficial.

Furthermore, you can schedule virtual or in-person meetings with donors to present your slide deck. This lets you share your goals, schedule, sponsorship packages, and vital information with investors.

3. Think outside of the box with incentives

Offering unique and enticing incentives for donors can encourage people to donate. It’s essential to think beyond the typical incentives like a t-shirt or bumper sticker. Consider what products or services a donor might find valuable and partner with brands to offer them.

Building sponsorship or donor packages will show that giving more means getting more for the donor or sponsor. Donors can leave a mark on your project or allow an organization to market their goods or services. Find ways to turn this into a marketing opportunity for your potential donors. 

Creating sponsorship packages is an excellent start if you need to raise funds for an event. You can attach a dollar amount to a set of benefits for sponsoring your event.

For example, a donation of $500 might include listing their name on event materials, they’ll receive three t-shirts, and they’ll be listed on the event website. While a $5,000 donation might mean they get their name and logo on a sponsorship banner, they get ten t-shirts and their name with a link to their website on the event website. 

4. Promote your fundraising event

Spread the word about your fundraiser far and wide! It would be best to consider who you want to attend the event and how to target those people. You can send invites or create an event page for people to RSVP. The main thing is you need a headcount. 

Use social media, email blasts, and flyers to reach potential supporters. Pitch your fundraiser to local media outlets, and try getting featured, too. Additionally, consider hosting small fundraising events leading up to the big day to generate excitement and buzz. 

5. Thank your supporters

Finally, thank everyone who supports your fundraiser, whatever their contribution. Incorporating donor packages is a great way to thank donors proactively. You can include marketing benefits, like banners with supporters’ logos and links to their websites on the event pages. Your appreciation of their support will be evident at your fundraising event. 

To further provide thanks and keep continued support, you want to send personalized thank you messages after the event. 

You can also update your social media channels listing the names of donors and consider drawing up and mailing in hand thank-you cards to each donor.

And that’s it! With this guide, you’re well-equipped to plan the perfect fundraiser. However, planning a fundraiser is just the beginning – the real challenge is executing it successfully.

Remember to set achievable goals, create a solid plan, get partners for special incentives, and promote your event well. Always appreciate every donor, no matter how little they donate.

Cultural Impact LLC