
How many times have you been working on a project and just hit a wall? You feel like you’ve tried every approach possible, and nothing seems to work. If you’re like most business owners, you’ve experienced burnout. Feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, and run down are all common symptoms of working too hard and not taking enough time for yourself.

Working in a creative field can be fun yet challenging. Creative blocks affect all types of creatives in hobbies and, of course, in the work field. It’s important to understand that creative blocks are usually rooted in fear, anxiety, and stress. You’ll be back on track once you can relieve the core issues.

It’s essential to start by understanding what is causing your creative block, and then you can begin working through it. Let go of any worries and allow yourself to mess up until you get it right.

What is Burnout?

First, let’s talk about burnout. Job burnout can affect your mental and physical health, putting a real burden on your work-life balance. It’s essential to take care of yourself and take steps to prevent burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Start by paying attention to these signs of burnout:

  • You’re not excited about work anymore
  • You’re struggling to complete simple tasks
  • You start to get frustrated with your coworkers
  • You start experiencing physical ailments, like migraines
  • You’re exhausted

Burnout can happen to anyone, but it can be especially damaging to people in creative fields. You can try some tips to help spark creativity and recover from burnout.

Collaborate with Coworkers or Other Creatives

It can seem difficult to tell anyone, especially your coworkers, you need help. Have you ever heard the saying “two minds are better than one”? Well, it might be worth asking your teammates, coworkers, or creative friends and networks for their opinions. Show them your work and ask for constructive criticism.

Your coworkers, supervisors, friends, or collaborators might be able to offer a fresh perspective. If you lack a creative circle, we offer consulting services to help you with every step of your business. Contact us for a free 15-minute consultation to see what your business can do.

Focus on Other Creative Outlets

Creative minds can struggle to focus on one thing for too long. If you struggle with this, switch to your creative hobby, or find one. Take a break and draw, paint, sew, do needlepoint, or whatever can help you re-spark your creativity.

I also suggest trying new hobbies and switching things up. It is vital for those of us working in creative fields to have creative outlets.

When creatives get highly comfortable with a hobby, they can also be perfectionists with their work. Try something new and exciting, something you must focus on and give your all to. You might be surprised by what can happen if you stop focusing on something unproductive and try to reset it. Afterward, you will return to your main project refreshed and with a new way of thinking.

Visit a Creativity Sparking Location

Viewing art can be highly inspiring. Visit your local art museum, stroll around your favorite park, and stop by your favorite coffee shop, the one with all the plants and art. We all have one. Get out of your usual space and venture into an inspiring one.

Do some research and try to find somewhere new to go. Beyond parks and museums, see if you have a conservatory nearby or a “create-your-own” shop (my favorite is a local create-your-own candle shop). Do something you’ve always wanted to or go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.


Don’t let the word exercise fool you. You should talk with your physician about appropriate exercise regardless of your fitness level. This could be everything from a dip in the pool to pulling out the roller skates. Hitting the gym, taking a walk, or doing your favorite form of physical activity is a great way to work through a creative block. Get your creative juices, or sweat, flowing. You’ll not only feel better, but this should also help with stress and help you refocus.

Simply Take a Break 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break, but we busy bees can find it hard for some reason. We have so many things going on, work, our personal lives, hobbies, and remembering to eat three balanced meals can be hard sometimes. We need to remind ourselves that we need to relax. Eventually, these things will become habits.

Take a hot shower, rest, watch an episode of your favorite show, clean up your space, or get a snack. Do whatever you need to relax and reset your mind to refocus and spark creativity. Taking care of yourself is key to getting adequate work done.

Cultural Impact LLC