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Strategic Planning & Organizational Repositioning

Our Approach

We specialize in operations and the implementation of business level strategies, to promote growth and development across the entire business enterprise. Our process includes the incorporation of industry best practices, the integration of technology and data collection tools that promote efficiency and effectiveness for improved customer experience and satisfaction, which leads to better performance and profitability.

As consultants and coaches, we understand that the best approach to strategic plan development and implementation is to work with our partners to empower them to build and help drive the plan. Our methodology involves guiding participants through exercises and listening and asking deeper questions to establish clarity and generate new knowledge.

Ultimately, the plan is to develop a clear course of action and measurable goals that align the strategic plan with the organizational structure, individual performance evaluation, processes, and all organizational plans. Our goal upon implementation is to ensure that the project team is invested and own their strategy, and that they are able to clearly communicate that strategy and develop tactics on an ongoing basis that incorporate the strategy in everything the organization does.

As facilitators, our goal is to engage teams in a series of discussions. We challenge participants to think beyond their limited contexts and to broaden their strategic scope and foster creativity and innovation. Our approach combines concepts similar to Michael Porter’s Five Forces model and Blue Ocean Strategies.


Cultural Impact’s Strategic Planning Process Can Be Used To Support Any of the Following Efforts:

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Cultural Impact LLC’s Strategic planning Process Map

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